I would like to nominate Kevin Thull for this year's Aaron Winborn Award
I would like to nominate Kevin Thull (kthull on for this year's Aaron Winborn Award.
If you have been to a Drupal camp in the last few years, you may have seen Kevin sprinting...
...Sprinting from session room to session room making sure the speaker hit the big red record button.
One or Multiple. Make a Bootstrap Carousel from a Multiple Value Drupal Field
Earlier this week I wrote how to create a Bootstrap Carousel using the Drupal Paragraphs module. We can modify this approach to add a Bootstrap Carousel on a field. I use this most on nodes that have a Featured Image field, one where we can use as a hero image, and one where we can set the Open Graph Meta image on a per node basis.
Making a Bootstrap Carousel with Drupal Paragraphs and a Single Twig Template
Last week I wrote how to make a multi-column section with Drupal Paragraphs and Bootstrap. This post describes how to take a similar approach to create a Carousel. Creating this using Paragraphs allows your content administrators an easy way to add a Slideshow/Carousel to their pages.
Styling Views Exposed Filters Selects in Drupal 8
Styling the HTML <select> tag to appear similar in all the different browsers is a task unto itself. It seems on each new site , I find myself back visiting this post by Ivor Reić for a CSS only solution. My task for today is to use this idea to theme an exposed filter on a view.
The first thing we need to do is add a div around the select. We can do this by editing the select's twig template from Drupal 8 core's stable theme. Copy the file from
Making a multi-column content section with Drupal Paragraphs and Bootstrap
The Drupal Paragraphs module allows developers to created chunks of content, allowing admins to have more defined control than they would have in a normal WYSIWYG. In this post, I will explain how to create a single paragraph bundle that can be used to display a 2, 3, 4, or 6 column layout. In each of these columns, we will be able to use any Paragraph bundles that we define.
Holistic SEO and Drupal
The Introduction - What is Holistic SEO?
Holistic SEO is a term used to describe development in which content, marketing, technical best practices, performance, security, user experience and user intent come together to create an ideal URL on the internet, about a certain topic.
Midcamp 2016 Recap - Where the Drupal community comes together!
MidCamp 2016, the Midwest Drupal Camp was a roaring success. We had 36 Sessions and 1 keynote were spread across the University of Illinois at Chicago's Student Center West. All of the sessions were successfully recorded by our amazing AV team and shared within hours on the Midcamp YouTube channel. Our sponsor tables were busy; our Birds of a Feather discussions were many; and our socials were social!
Drupal Podcast Guide
Updated: April 11th, 2016. While I read a lot, as much as I can about Drupal and Web Development, I feel like I learn even more when I listen. So, while driving to work, or while working out on the treadmill, I listen as much as I can to the great folks below that dedicate their time every week to discussing, training, interviewing, and spreading their knowledge.
Here is a big list of Podcasts about Drupal that you can subscribe and listen to at your convenience.
Bootstrap Navbar in Drupal 8 with 4 easy template changes
I am teaching myself Drupal 8 theming. Rather than starting with a contrib theme, I am starting with an empty folder, using core's Stable theme as my base theme. This is a great way to learn to the ins and outs of the new Drupal theming system, and getting it to conform to your wishes.
For a few years now, I have successfully used the Bootstrap framework in my personal and professional projects. This article will explain how I implement the Bootstrap Navbar in a way that is far simpler in Drupal 8 than it was in Drupal 7.
Manage Drupal 7 Configurations using Features built with Features Builder
Most of us have been using the Features module for configuration management in Drupal 7 for years now. This is not what the module was originally intended for, but it has allowed us to move variables and configurations that were kept in the database into code, so they can be transferred from development to staging and production sites.